Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Yesterday I had something really heavy on my heart. It was the subject of children from godly homes, growing up and turning away. Oh how that breaks my heart and makes me want to despair. Quite honestly, I just about can't think of anything worse than our children rejecting the Lord. But yesterday I think the Lord wanted me to learn something and that is that I can't control any other person, not even our children. Our children have to choose the Lord for themselves. My job (with the Spirit's power) is to show them the Lord on a daily basis, teach them about the Lord, and pray, pray, pray. The Lord loves them and wants them to follow Him even more than we do. So, to a great extent, I must leave it in His hands. After wrestling through this yesterday, with my dear husband encouraging me with truth, I came to a rest and peace in Him. I CAN'T make my children godly so I don't have to be all stressed out trying. Anyhow, I don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone else, but those are my thoughts. :-) God bless you all today as you love the Lord, your husbands, children, and keep your home.


Carrie said...

I so understand, in fact, I just had a very similar post on my blog!

Anonymous said...

I have struggled with the same thing. Thanks for the encouraging post!

Jen said...

I completely understand and had tears in my eyes as I read this. Thanks for your words and encouraging reminders!