Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Few Favorites

Yesterday I was thinking about a few of my favorite books. I love books and would love to know about some of your favorite books. The books in my list are the ones that have impacted and challenged my life the most. They are the ones that I find myself reading again and again or thinking about years after I read it. So other than the Bible, these are my current favorite books.
  1. Streams In The Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman
  2. Jeanne Guyon Autobiography by Jeanne or Madame Guyon
  3. Never Alone by Violet Miller
  4. The Family Meal Table and Hospitality by Nancy Campbell
  5. Calvary Road by Roy Hession
  6. So Much More by Anna and Sophia Botkin
  7. The Naturally Clean Home
  8. Rees Howell: Intercessor by Norman Grubb
  9. The Power of Motherhood by Nancy Campbell
  10. Created To Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl (one of my most life-changing/inspiring books)

What are your favorites?


Jen said...

I loved reading this post and hearing what some of your favorite books are. There are several that I haven't read and I look forward to checking them out! I am working on putting my list together, so more to come soon. :) So hard to narrow it down!!

Carrie said...

I love Elisabeth Elliot's Shadow of the Almighty, about her husband Jim. Also Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss. Created to be His Helpmeet was also very helpful to me.

Annie Lady said...

Oh, I love Stepping Heavenward! It is really hard to narrow it down. Books are one of my great loves and I have read so very many great ones. Right now I am reading a book to the children about Samuel Morris. It is so good! We all got tears in our eyes when we were reading it last night. I am so thankful for good books.