"That I may make the voice of thanksgiving heard and may tell of all Your wondrous
works. Lord, I love the habitation of Your house, and the place where Your glory dwells....My foot stands on an even place; In the congregation will I bless the Lord!" ~Psalms 26:7, 8, & 12
I hesitated to post this post (so as not to draw attention to our situation), but I am hoping that this will encourage you all to really, REALLY trust the Lord...especially when hard times come. He cares so much for us and says that we are graven on the palm of His hands. Things have been a bit slim at our home due to the cost of Beloved's adoption and because dh wasn't able to work full time for about 3 months due to an injury and lack of work. Have you ever been in a place where you are counting your spare pennies, nickles, and dimes so that you can put $7.00 of gas in the tank? Or how about bread and peaches for supper? Have you ever gone weeks without even having $1? What about not being able to do laundry for a week due to a lack of quarters for the laundry mat? Handwashing in the tub anyone?? LOL Did you ever wonder if you will have food to eat tomorrow?
This is where are family is right now, but our Abba Father has been SOOOO loving and kind. We have not gone without one thing that we have truly needed. And, it has been so good for us and our children, not only to learn contentment, but to see God work on our behalf. We are so undeserving of all of the things God has blessed us with through brothers and sisters in Christ, but we are deeply, deeply thankful. "Seek first the kingdom of and ALL these things will be added unto you." "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself." And like the apostle Paul, we want to be content whether we abound or whether we are abased.
The first picture is a picture of what our fridge looked like a week and a half ago. :-) I don't believe we have ever had a fridge like that in our 12 years of marriage. The rest of the pictures are a praise to our Father. All of the food you see was lovingly given to us by the Body of Christ. Almost daily the Lord sends some big or small gift our way. Sometimes a gallon of milk, sometimes a $100 bill. O, how thankful we are. God overwhelmingly bless all of you that have so generously given. So, if your family ever goes through times like these, know that you have a Jehovah Jireh that will provide for all of your needs. "O how He loves you and me!"
A couple of days ago our beautiful Sunshine came to me and said, "Mama this is our mess of blessings!" She had a big smile on her face and was referring to the food that was covering our counters and the bulging fridge. I right away told her how true and lovely her words were. She knows how much I love a spic and span kitchen, but who couldn't enjoy a 'mess of blessings' ? Thank you for those sweet words dear daughter!
Father, I thank You for your lovingly, generous provision. Father, I want to be as faithful to You as You are to us. Help me to be truly grateful for all of the big and small blessing you have given us. Lord, we just want to love you with passionate hearts that are filled with contentment. I just praise you Lord and give you glory for all of the amazing things you are teaching us. I love You my Abba Father.
"Give us a passion that cannot be denied,
A vision that cannot be dimmed,
And an obession that cannot be quenched."
We've been there and it's no fun. Hang in there, girl! It is amazing to watch God provide and he does always take care of us! You're in our prayers!
What a humbling, stretching experience! Thank you for sharing with us even though you didn't feel completely comfortable drawing attention to your situation. It is an encouragement and testimony to your faith to share these things and for us to see how tangibly God has provided for you!
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